Jelly Roll Can't Get Over His New Donkey

He bought land...and more land. So what do you do with all that land? You put farm animals on it. Jelly Roll just celebrated the addition of three cows (one for each of his family members), but the singer was a little down; three cows for the fam, but what about him? In a video shared on Tik Tok by his wife Bunnie XO, Jelly couldn't contain himself when his farm animal, a donkey, was delivered. "I’m excited. The donkey’s going to love me. We’re gonna be friends forever," he says as he heads out to meet the family's newest member. But he was caught off-guard by the animal's size. "There’s no way he’s standing up right now. He’s laying down. No, no, I’m telling you, he’s laying down. That donkey’s not that small." When Bunnie assures him the donkey is indeed that small, Jelly is psyched. "Oh, this is the best donkey ever," he said with a huge grin.