America’s All-Time Favorite Movies

In the age of having virtually any movie available to stream at any time, new research finds we still keep coming back to the ones we love most. Everyone has their favorites, the films we could rewatch over and over again, and a new survey reveals which ones they are.

“Forrest Gump” is America’s all-time favorite movie, according to a survey of 2-thousand adults across the country. But it finds that different generations have different movie preferences, and some watch their favorites on repeat more than others.

  • The average American believes they’ve watched their favorite movie 38 times, but millennials average 50 times and Gen Z is right behind that with 49 times.
  • People think they could watch their favorite movie an average of three times without getting sick of it, but Gen Z aims higher with an average of five times.
  • More than half (56%) admit their all-time favorite movie could be considered a guilty pleasure.
  • Millennials believe they could recite nearly half (48%) of their favorite movie by heart, compared to baby boomers who think they could recite 23%.

America’s All-Time Favorite Movies

  1. “Forrest Gump” (17%)
  2. “The Wizard of Oz” (15%)
  3. “The Titanic” (15%)
  4. “The Lion King” (15%)
  5. “Dirty Dancing” (14%)
  6. “John Wick” series (13%)
  7. “Home Alone” series (13%)
  8. “Fast & Furious” series (13%)
  9. “Star Wars” series (12%)
  10. “The Godfather” (12%)

Favorite Movies by Generation

  • Gen Z - “Toy Story” (25%), “Avengers: End Game” (25%), “Shrek” (24%)
  • Millennials - “The Lion King” (22%), “Forrest Gump” (18%), “Titanic” (17%)
  • Gen X - “Forrest Gump” (18%), “Rocky” (16%), “Star Wars” series (15%)
  • Baby boomers - “Dirty Dancing” (19%), “The Wizard of Oz” (18%), “Forrest Gump” (17%)

Source: SWNS Digital