More Than Half Of Americans Have Cried Over Pizza At Least Once

Did your Super Bowl party menu include pizza? Let’s hope so, since it was also National Pizza Day. We all know how much Americans love pizza, but a new survey in honor of the food holiday reveals just how deep those feelings really go.

According to the poll of 1,000 adult Americans, more than half have actually cried over pizza.

  • Yes, 55% of people have shed a tear over pizza at least once in their life.
  • But what could move someone to weep about pizza? A multitude of things, it turns out.
  • One common reason? Someone eating their last slice, which led 16% to cry.
  • Another 13% admit to crying over a pizza delivery order coming in wrong, while 12% cried about their favorite pizza place closing down.
  • Nearly everyone surveyed - 97% of respondents - say they would go to extremes to get pizza and many already have.
  • This includes 13% who ignored work so they could order pizza, 12% who pretended to be someone else to get a slice and 7% who confess that they’ve faked an emergency to get their hands on pizza.
  • But some fans are even more hard core when it comes to making sure they don’t miss out on a slice, like the 9% who ate pizza they had to rescue from their dog and another 9% who admit to eating pizza directly from the trash can.
  • The research shows we also tend to be creatures of habit when it comes to our pies, as 30% of respondents stick to their usual order and rarely branch out to try new pizza orders.

Source: Newsweek